Last week we celebrated another wonderful year of our mentoring programs at our 2021 Annual General Meeting.
A LOT happened this past year.
Check out our 2021 Annual Report…/annual…/

Honourary mention to the BIG four who retired from our Board in 2021:
Andy McKee-former President
Mike Forcier-former Director
Glenn Breadner-former Director
Peter Boulter-former Director
*THANK YOU for your many years of dedicated service to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grey Bruce!
We are where we are because of you.
Good-bye to our mentoring-coordinator, Mandi Lamb. THANK YOU for your commitment in empowering youth in our community.
CONGRATULATIONS to Big Brother Matt who was awarded the “Big Impact Award” of the year (his Little Caleb accepted the award on his behalf). Matt has been an incredible friend and support for his Little for over 5 years. Caleb’s mom said, “I don’t know where we would be without him.” THANK YOU Matt for being an amazing volunteer, friend and mentor.