What is the Youth Council?

The Youth Council was established in the fall of 2022. The Council’s primary objective is to amplify youth voices around issues that affect our community. Youth Council members engage in supporting community impact projects aimed at bolstering various community betterment initiatives. The program is youth led with training, development, and support provided.

For example, YC worked on an animated film to bring attention to homelessness in Owen Sound, which you can watch below!

Youth Council is open to anyone in the area (whether in our programs or not) between the ages of 12-25. We meet on the last Tuesday of every month at our office, and dinner is included.

If you’re looking to share your ideas for the betterment of our community, then this is the place for you. Reach out to Emma to let her know you’re interested in attending- emma.fryday@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca.

Raising Our Voices on Homelessness in Owen Sound

With the support of Animation Studios and Beyond Reach Productions, our Youth Council members worked to create a short film focusing on homelessness in Owen Sound, called “Raising Our Voices on Homelessness in Owen Sound.”

The Youth Council centers on civic engagement and last fall the group had the opportunity to determine where they wanted to focus their attention and their voices. They noticed homelessness as an unfortunate and prevalent issue in our community, so the team set their sights on bringing awareness to this matter. Ultimately the Youth Council would like people to come away from this video with an understanding that individuals who are unhoused are still an important part of our community and also have the right to be seen, heard, and cared for.

Along with promoting youth activism, the group enjoyed writing the film’s narrative, recording their voices in a professional atmosphere, and ultimately building their skills in storytelling.

They showed enthusiasm along the journey and are excited to see their vision come to life!

The Youth Council have enjoyed giving back to their community and continue to be passionate about seeing their community thrive! The Council will continue to develop their leadership and advocacy skills as they engage in training, personal development, and community impact projects.

Youth Council is run by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grey Bruce West Simcoe, and headed by our Mentorship and Community Engagement Lead, Emma Fryday. This group focuses on civic engagement, youth activism, and leadership, and meets on the last Tuesday of the month. It’s open to all young people between the ages 12-25 and BBBSGBWS welcomes referrals from partner agencies who may have youth interested in joining the cause.

Contact Emma, emma.fryday@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca to join Youth Council or for more information!