One to One Mentoring
The 1:1 Community Match is the ‘traditional’ BBBS program, matching a youth (Little) with a caring, supportive adult mentor (Big) in the community. Bigs and Littles spend time together, attend BBBSGBWS group programs, and build developmental relationships which express care, challenge growth, provide support, share power and expand possibilities!

In Community 1:1 Mentoring
The Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring program allows youth (ages 6-16) to be matched with a role model (18+) to talk to and share the experiences of growing up with. Through regular outings, a relationship is developed between the mentor and the mentee, which is built on trust, common interests, and is supported by our experienced caseworkers. The result is a life-changing experience for both the mentor and the mentee. This In-Community 1:1 mentoring program usually requires two regularly scheduled outings a month, of a few hours each time, and minimum one-year commitment.

Couples Match
Couples who wish to volunteer together can be matched to a mentee through our Couples Match program (an extension of the above Community Based 1:1 Mentoring Program). Couples must be over 18 years old and have been in their relationship for at least two years.
In-School Mentoring
We offer a number of in-school programs for youth in grades one (1) to eight (8), either in a 1-to-1 or small group setting. In each program an adult volunteer (Mentor) provides a caring, supportive, and non-judgmental environment. The Mentor’s role is to be an adult support, a positive role model, a friend, a listener, a resource and a guide. Mentors focus on relational wellbeing, increasing self-esteem, establishing essential life skills and in some programs, academic support. Programs offered include ‘Learn It!’, Go Kids!, and Game on!.

In-School 1:1 Mentorship

Learn It!
‘Learn lt!‘ enhances students’ ability to learn within the classroom by complimenting key learning objectives in one-to-one or small group settings. With a focus on numeracy and literacy, youth in grades three (3) to eight (8) learn new skills in a fun, creative, and youth-centered learning environment. By focusing on each student’s individual needs, the program supports education achievements through a mentorship approach.

Go Kids!
This small-group mentorship program focuses on achieving healthy bodies and healthy minds. ‘Go Kids’ teaches youth in grade six (6) through grade eight (8) about positive lifestyle habits, positive self-esteem, and emotional wellness. Every session runs one to one–and–a–half (1-1.5) hours in length and allows participants to take part in fun, educational activities while supporting mental health and building resilience. The single, most important goal of the program is to positively shape the lives of young people by helping them build a positive self-concept – setting them on a path to reach their full potential.

Game On!
Developed for adolescents’ grades six (6) to eight (8), ‘Game On!’ applies a mentorship approach to provide young boys with information and support to make informed choices about a range of healthy lifestyle practices. Through non-traditional physical activities, participants are engaged in life skills, communication and emotional health discussions designed to support participants in the pursuit of life-long healthy lifestyles. Every program session runs one to one–and–a–half (1-1.5) hours in length. All are welcome to take part in this fun, active, educational program.
Community Group Programs
Our community group programs are available to all youth, often welcoming youth waitlisted for a 1:1 match. Each monthly program welcomes Bigs, Littles, volunteers and community partners to share in learning opportunities and skill development. Programs provide intergenerational experiences focused on community building, relational wellbeing, mentorship and civic engagement. Programs are offered bi-monthly.

The Outdoor Wellness Program offers youth the opportunity to get outside at the Bluewater Outdoor Education Centre (just outside of Wiarton). This monthly program welcomes Bigs, Littles, volunteers and youth from both BBBSGBWS and M’Wikwedong Indigenous Friendship Centre to share in land-based learning opportunities and skill development. Our Outdoor Wellness program provides intergenerational learning opportunities focused on community building, relational wellbeing, and mentorship.

Big Bunch
The Big Bunch program is a monthly event for all Mentors and Mentees to come together and have some fun while learning new skills and building new connections. These group activities also ensure mentees on the wait list feel supported and connected while waiting to be matched with a caring mentor. The Big Bunch program is offered in various communities across Grey, Bruce and Western Simcoe and focuses on building partnerships and investing in youth development.

Youth Council
The Youth Council was established in the fall of 2022. The Council’s primary objective is to amplify youth voices around issues that affect our community. Find out more information by clicking here.