Coins 4 Kids
Coins 4 Kids kicked off on October 12th and ran until Halloween night on October 31st…giving kids more time to raise money and a chance to WIN a BIG prize! Kids had the option of fundraising in TWO ways this year. Kids collected donations from their family and friends through our online donation form and/or took one of our Halloween cans to collect coins while they trick or treated. Although this is one of our smaller fundraisers, we were able to raise a lot of funds this year. We raised over $3,700! WOWZA!
Not only did we have participation from kids in our community but local businesses participated for the second year, by placing a donation can at their register. Congratulations to the Frog Pond Cafe in Owen Sound for collecting the most change!
THANK YOU to all who donated! A little change adds up and will make a BIG difference for our mentoring programs!
The 1st place winner did an OUTSTANDING job….as she raised over $1000! Well done and CONGRATULATIONS to Pagan! Enjoy your 6ft Streamridge Canadian made toboggan, curtesy of Home Hardware in Port Elgin and your $100 gift card to Mastermind Toys.
CONGRATULATIONS to our 2nd place winner Tess! Great work! Enjoy your stylish wireless headphones curtesy of Staples in Owen Sound and your $50 gift card to Mastermind Toys.
CONGRATULATIONS to our 3rd place winner Trinity! Good job! Enjoy your games curtesy of Scenic City Games Emporium located in Owen Sound and your $50 gift card to Mastermind Toys.
THANK YOU to everyone who participated and for your tremendous effort this year! We are truly Bigger Together!
Hope all of you can join us next year!

BBBSGB Team at the Owen Sound Farmer’s Market
Thank you to our event sponsor!

Thank you to our donors!