6th Annual Golf Fore Kids’ Sake

On Saturday, September 24th, 2022, golfers came out and enjoyed a day of golf, food, friends, and prizes, all while supporting the many children and youth Big Brothers Big Sisters serve in our communities.
With the support of our golf participants and the community, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grey Bruce can truly say that we are bigger together. Our 6th Annual Golf Fore Kids’ Sake event raised over $15,600! Funds raised are pivotal in supporting our growing youth mentoring programs, including the many children and youth on our waitlist.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grey Bruce wants to send out a huge THANK YOU to all our participants for joining us and our local businesses for their donations to our event. We also want to thank our sponsors Scotia Wealth, Coca-Cola Bottling Limited, McArthur Tire, Walmart, and Bayshore Broadcasting. A special thanks to our volunteers who helped run our event. We can’t thank you all enough for your support. Together with your help we can continue to provide meaningful relationships to youth who need our services in our local community.

Left to right: Big Sisters Mary & Little Sister Michelle 40 year alumni

Left to right: Big Brother Joel, Little Brother Elijah, Big Sister Tianna & Little Sister Mara
Thank You to our sponsors!

![Bayshore Broadcasting logo - colour [Converted] copy](https://greybruce.bigbrothersbigsisters.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/150/2022/09/Bayshore-Broadcasting-logo-colour-Converted-copy-300x188.png)